The last couple of days have been extremely hectic and our tour almost came to a complete stop. After our Thursday show at the El Torreon Ballroom in Kansas City, Missouri we decided to make our way towards Wisconsin when something unexpected happened. It all went down at 3:30 am, I was at the wheel with Matty F navigating when our van started to struggle up a hill, I continued to press the gas pedal down but it wasn't accelerating a few seconds later Matt yells "pull over dude, pull over". I didn't realize what was going on until I looked out my right hand side mirror, the whole van was smoking and the inside began to fill with smoke as well. After pulling the van over we all jumped out and black smoke poured from underneath the van and from the inside. Non of us are mechanics and we don't really have much knowledge when it comes to cars but we knew this probably was going to be the end of our tour. We called the tow truck to pick us up and since we had triple A they towed the van for free but we had to pay for the trailer since that's not covered. We got to a random body shop at 6 in the morning and slept for an hour until they opened, as we waited in the lobby to hear what was wrong we all tried to figure out how to get home. Being an independent touring band is hard because everything is done on our own and the van breaking down is the last thing we need. After a few hours one of the mechanics came out and told us our transmission blew and it would cost us $2,100 to fix. We did not have that kind of money, we looked to our left and right and there was absolutely nothing, empty fields. We told the mechanic our situation and that we absolutely had no way of paying for a new transmission. After about an hour the guy came out and told us they feel extremely bad for us and what we've been through and they would fix our transmission for much cheaper. This was music to our ears, we decided to pay from our band account as well some of our own money we saved up prior to tour to cover food expenses. The mechanics we're so kind to us they even bought us pizza, these people we're just beautiful and had so much heart, we couldn't believe it. Safe to say we made it to Wisconsin in 35 hours and no sleep, we're okay and we decided to continue the tour. Last night we played a last minute show for a charity that supports Invisible Children and we met so many great people! Thank you guys for reading and if you're coming to any of our upcoming shows and could spare any change we would greatly appreciate it! That transmission shocked our band account but we're out here doing this 'cuz our hearts are still in it despite the great financial loss. Thanks for everything guys!!!
PS! our EP is back in stock at
broken down
van being repaired